Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January obsession

I sometimes tickle myself.  I should be writing posts for a work project, but I find myself here on my personal (private) blog instead.  Passion is a mutha!
At any rate,  I was on quite a vintage brooch kick the first week in January.  Thank God it has subsided (some).  I swear I remember these brooches from the 1980's.  I can recall having one or two that I shared with my mother. I liked them then and I LOVE them now.  I had initially went on a massive brooch-hunt because I wanted to use them as an embellishment for some DYI jewelry and to wear on a plaid blazer that I found at the newly opened Savers thrift store in Woodbury.

vintage brooch shown here was given to me by a co-worker who once was a jewelry rep for Napier


Go RED: New Years Gel Mani

I have been getting gel mani's giving my nails a break from 15+ years of non-stop acrylic overlays and plastic tips.  I had been really busy the past month and half and hadn't gotten a gel mani. Soooo as I was out pampering myself getting ready to celebrate the 2012 with the hubby and kids, I decided to make one last stop to the nail shop.  I contemplated a color choice, but knew I wanted to be festive.  I had a few silvers and metallics, but the nail tech suggested RED!  I thought about it for a minute and since I tend to be a pushover about that kind of stuff, I said, "sure why not?"  I absolutely loved the vivid and bright RED color.  I felt as if it represented much more than just a festive look. I started thinking about the Go RED campaigns I've participated, the RED dresses I've worn to celebrate, the RED for the sorority Delta Sigma Theta, and those RED high-waist, wide leg pants I am waiting to find.


DIY: Painted Clutch

Happy New Year folks!  I am so happy about this project.  Every Christmas holiday I like to find a craft to do with my mother-in-law when she visits for 2 weeks.  I was determined to get this one done.  A few months back my mom sent me a few of her old clutch purses from her DIVA days in the 1970's and 80's.  See her a few pics from those days in my June 2011 blog posting here: Tribute to my Mother! I started re-do's of two of them (one gray and one black), but this one (the black one) far outweighs the other.  I still have some more work to do in the creative department for the gray clutch.  When I am done I will post about it.  As far the black one goes, I was able to capture the process below.  I must give credit to my inspiration for the idea. It came from a blog called Handbag Heaven I stumbled upon.

original clutch-purse from my Mom's 1970s collection

inside of the clutch

taped using painters tape, first layer painted using foam paint brush and glitter paint

first few coats of paint drying

FINISHED with clear sealant and ready for use
